Math is hands-on and interactive. High-tech, touch-sensitive SmartBoards™, as well as traditional dry-erase boards and computers, help our students engage with the material in diverse ways. A student’s high school mathematics experience will include problem solving, reasoning, visualization and use of technology in all grades. Beginning in grades 8 and 9, students will begin to learn and develop skills that will be essential for many of the concepts that are taught in the upper grades.
We aim to provide an engaging, challenging, and inspiring learning experience in science to all our students so that they gain a deep understanding of scientific knowledge, the value of the scientific method, and the role that science plays in modern society. This is achieved by providing an outstanding teaching and learning experience using creative and innovative pedagogy and utilizing our well-equipped laboratories. This is supplemented with a series of field trips that allows our students to make clear connections to real-life applications of science. Our small class sizes enhance the learning experience by allowing the active participation of each and every one of our students
Accelerated Math and Science
The King David Accelerated Math and Science program is a unique academic opportunity open to incoming students in Grade 8.
The program offers an accelerated learning environment tailored for students with a strong passion for Math and Science who thrive in a fast-paced setting. It focuses on fostering conceptual understanding while building proficiency in mathematical and scientific skills.
The program allows students to complete their Grade 10 Math and Science courses by the end of Grade 9. This, in turn, allows students three years, instead of the usual two years, to complete the many choices in Math and Science courses that are offered at the Grade 11 and 12 level. Since a student may need these courses for university entrance, it is of benefit to the student to be able to take additional courses to ensure academic success by increasing their breadth of knowledge in the area of Science or Math.
In our English Language Program, students are given opportunities to engage with a wide variety of texts including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and digital media. Students are encouraged to use a variety of approaches when responding to texts, including visual presentation, analytical and critical responses, class discussion, and creative writing. Students are able to develop their critical and analytical skills as readers, listeners, and viewers. They become adept with the conventions of language, gathering and organizing information and ideas, and using communication forms and styles that suit their abilities. The program offers creative, meaningful, and relevant learning experiences where students are invited to examine their personal values.
Modern Languages
We believe that learning modern languages contributes to a broader cultural understanding and sense of global citizenship. The ability to speak more than one language is a valuable skill and provides great opportunities in relation to employment and education as well as promoting an appreciation of other cultures.
The emphasis in all our language lessons is on developing the four skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in the target language. Students achieve this by using a variety of teaching resources and learning activities, such as language videos, authentic readings, and international collaborative activities through global learning networks.
Social Studies
In the Social Studies department, students learn about the past, make connections to the present, and predict implications for the future. Students have many opportunities to play a very active role in their learning through activities like debates, presentations, critical thinking and media analysis. The program encourages students to become familiar with the rights, practices and responsibilities of being active Canadian citizens as well as members of the international community.